What we do

The Anekdote App Manager allows for anyone to create their own community app. In order to democratize the app world, we offer an easy, inexpensive solution where no previous experience, special knowledge or big budget is needed.
By automating the entire development process, Anekdote brings the development and project time of the app building process down to minutes.
The apps content (pages, colors, logos, ads, etc), test environment, member management and their access rights, all happens in the Anekdote platform.
Our apps are offered as a SaaS solution, which includes management, support and unlimited updates on the app stores, as well as upgrades and access to new functionality that is continuously being developed.
Our Mission
Anekdotes mission is to democratize app-world. Through our fully automized no-code platform, we empower everyone to build, publish and update their very own app in a fast, simple and cost effective way. Our primary target markets are small to medium size businesses, communities/organizations as well as creatives (i.e. artists, influencers, visual artists and podcasters).
The Anekdote apps are offered as a SaaS solution, which eliminates the need for hiring your own developers to manage your app, or stay on top of version upgrades with iOS and Android.
This way, app owners will own their own member data, instead of multinational corporations. This will allow them to focus on building their business and strengthening the relationship with their customers and followers, for instance through their very own social media channel inside of the app. Instead, they can put their focus on content, ad revenue, and sales.
The Anekdote solution is built with a long-term sustainability ethic. Instead of developing a customer specific app or module, the Anekdote solution offers generic, but customizable apps that will benefit thousands of app owners.
Our automated platform cuts down the development time from months to minutes. This means massive savings in energy, less traveling emissions and consumption, and last but not least, a huge savings in cost because of ZERO development time.
Example: 1000 hours development time for a standard app, built by 3 developers and a project manager, over the course of 3 months, versus 10 minutes by using the Anekdote App Manager.